One of the most popular announcements this year are these 5x7 cards printed both on the front and back.
Special pricing: 24 for $99
Also have you put any thought into your senior's graduation party? We can help you showcase his or her life through a Grad Party DVD! We take 20 of your favorite images from the senior photo session, combine it with 20 images from his or her childhood, mix it to music, and you now have a great tribute you can show at their grad party to friends and family! You also get a copy for your Facebook page and iphone! We have 2 styles of DVD shows to choose from - Classic or Modern.
Normally a $299 value - save $150! Now only $149!
PS. Take advantage of any one of these senior offers and we'll also send you a $100 Gift Certificate from Hymas Image good towards the creation of a family portrait this summer or fall!
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