Olivia was our second little birthday girl this week and she, too, just turned one. Her grandmother sent her an authentic, original design Korean outfit to celebrate her first birthday. Isn't she adorable? Olivia had the cutest Tinkerbell cake. She was a little timid at first and it took some coaxing from her Mom, but she soon got the idea and enjoyed demolishing her cake.

Speaking of Birthdays! I also have an April birthday and this year I received the most awesome birthday surprise! I just thought Clyde and I were going down to Pocatello Powersports this past weekend to take pictures of our grandsons, CJ, Chase and Chance on their motorbikes, but when I opened the upstairs doors - there were all seven of my kids standing there - it was the most Fantastic surprise I have ever had. They haven't been in one place at the same time for about 10 years, but right there in front of me were: Chet from Germany, Ann from Portland, Clark from Washington, Cami from Utah and of course, Chad, Chelsey and Chris from Idaho! My family had been planning this big event for at least a month. It's so hard to believe that not one person let the cat out of the bag - I was totally clueless. What an emotional day. We had so much fun visiting and enjoying each other's company. Thank you so much to all of my family and friends who made the day so special! It was truly a wonderful birthday celebration!
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