June 23, 2011

FREE Family or Children's Portrait Session

I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I know I haven't blogged, facebooked or even emailed much during the past three months. It's been a very challenging time for my husband and myself. The first week of April I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Yes, cancer. It was a very emotional, frightening time for us and the worse was waiting for test results. I was immediately scheduled for surgery and 4 days before I was to be admitted to the hospital, my husband, Clyde had a ladder slide out from underneath him when he was about 12 feet in the air. He ended up compressing a couple vertebraes, badly bruised his whole left side and was put in a back brace for 3 months. Needless to say, the following couple weeks were awful and comical at the same time. Having both Clyde and myself down was not what we had planned, but we made it through and are so thankful for all the many friends and family who were constantly there to help us.

I am one of the fortunale ones - the cancer had not spread to my lympth nodes so the surgeon was able to remove it. I know many prayers were answered and I am so very grateful that I can go on with my life and not spend the next 6 months taking chemo. I urgently plea for each of you and your loved ones to take the time out of your busy lives to have your yearly exams done . . . it just might save your life.

I am very excited about being back in the studio and doing what I love. Life is so precious and families are worth a million. Let's Celebrate!!!


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