April 27, 2012

And the Winners are .....

February 9, 2012

Our Little Models

Here's some of the little ones that have come in for our modeling session. Aren't they just adorable. I'll be making new tutu sets until we go to Convention at the end of March. If you'd like your daughter(s) to be one of our models - just give us a call. Session is free - you'll receive a complimentary 8x10 (one per family) and be put in our drawing for a 12x12 canvas wrap. Come and enjoy the FUN!

February 2, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

I wasn't able to get this file up at the first of the year so if your child had a January birthday - please give us a call. We'll honor all January birthdays during the month of February.
To read easier - click to enlarge

January 11, 2012

FREE Session and 8x10

To read - click to enlarge

January 2, 2012

A Calendar for Everyone

You can use images from a past session or schedule a new portrait session. Calendars can begin with any month so they make great gifts for loved ones anytime of the year. Valentine's Day is right around the corner! First calendar is at regular price - 2nd calendar - 25% off 3rd or more - 50% off Smaller calendars are also available

12x18 FUN seven image calendar - $89 or FREE with a $900 order

10x14 single image calendar - $69

or FREE with a $700 order

8x10 three image calendar - $49

or FREE with a $500 order