July 29, 2010

REAL Firehouse - REAL Firetruck - REAL Firegear!

To read - please click to enlarge:
PLEASE NOTE: Special arrangements have been made for the children to be photographed at the Jefferson Firehouse in Rigby - this is ONLY a 2 day event! We will be scheduling sessions between 9 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon on Wednesday, August 11th and Thursday, August 12th. If you are interested, call immediately to reserve your time. We have already booked in 9 slots - the rest will go fast! This is going to be so much FUN!!!

July 7, 2010

Hi and Happy July!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer! Clyde and I are just wrapping up our 3 week Germany visit with our son Chet and his family. It has definitely been a very memorable one - it's not every family that has two little girls breaking arms within two days of each other. That changed some plans since it was necessary for Chet and Mindy to spend 4 days at the hospital and doctor offices. They had check ups yesterday and it looks like all is well for us to head to Garmish tomorrow. Here's hoping! It's the one place that Chet really wanted to take us while we were here and we're barely going to be able to squeak it in before we fly out on Monday. After being in a foreign land for 2 weeks, we both agree that we have never been more grateful for our home country, we have so many blessings and so much to be proud of as an American. We've had a great trip, many wonderful experiences, fantastic food to enjoy and so many awesome things to photograph, but we will be happy to be back in Idaho. See you in a week!

Taken in the Netherlands when we visited Bart (our long time ago exchange student) and his family.

Hard to believe these churches were built hundreds of years ago!